Thursday, July 30, 2009

Young +& Rebellious

For my 16th birthday, which is Dec. 26th, my father is planning on taking me to the tattoo shop to get my first tattoo. I was thinking I should get something that I won't regret when I get older. So I decided on some prayer hands with my grandma's name saying rest in peace on my right shoulder blade. Recently, I concluded that not only do I want that tattoo but in the very same spot I want something fierce, like a tiger. Every time I ask my mother for something, weather it be a tattoo or another ear piercing, she says, "No, your too young!" I'm almost 16 mom what the heck! So I have decided since she does not approve of anything I want, I am going to get back at her, by getting my tattoo with my friend who is 20 years old. But instead of getting it on my shoulder blade, I'm getting it on my right calf.

How does that sound mom?!?!

- Signed, Ronisha Hill

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

BFFN - Best Friends For Now

Before I write this blog, I would like to say I absolutely love Katy Perry. If you haven't heard of her, go check her out. My Favorite song by her is called "Ur so gay." But anyways, back to the good stuff. According to, they think that Katy Perry is going to turn Rihanna out. Like wtf Bossip, are you really serious? They're just BFF's! Just because they're being spotted together +& they took a trip to Puerto Rico or are going to doesn't mean anything. Please get real! The girl can't hang out w/ one gay person without the media speculating that she's going to be gay also?!?! Get over yourself, it's never going to happen! Besides, I think little RiRi still has feelings for Chris Brown. But we'll see what happens in the next couple of week between the 2 girls.

- Signed, Ronisha Hill

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

G1 Vs. My Touch Aka G2

So I'm pretty sure everyone knows what the T-Mobile G1 is? Well, my mom is talking about getting me a new phone and I don't know what I should get. To me T-Mobile has really crappy phones. Right now, I have the Sidekick LX and I don't like it one bit. Sheesh, I don't like Sidekicks period! Their wack! But I really like the G1! I was reading up on some info about it, when I came accross something talking about a phone called the My Touch aka the T-Mobile G2 comming out soon. I don't really like that phone as much. It's the same as the G1, except it doesn't have a full keyboard and it's body is rounder. Which I don't like! The only thing better about it though, is that it has 3G internet. Bloggers, I'm so confused.

What are you guy's thoughts on the phones?

- Signed, Ronisha Hill

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Big (Transform]ation

Remember when this hot hunk used to play on Disney Channel's "Even Stevens" as Louis? From a 22 Inch screen to a 40 foot screen, Shia Labeouf has came a long way in his career. Physically! Show of hands, who out there in the blogging world has seen the movie Transformers? Tell me Shia does not look super sexy! There must of been somethin' in his water yall because growing up as a child watching Even Steven's Louis was not cute! At all! But I mean man, he was only 13 years old when he was playing on that show. Now he's 21 +& single! Well that's if the rumors about him dating Megan Fox aren't true. Anyways though, I think I've got "jungle fever" because this white boy is c - u - t - e !

Ladies, am I right or am I wrong?!?!

- Signed, Ronisha Hill

Friday, July 24, 2009

Tegan +& Sara

Omg, check out this band! I recently put a song by them on my ipod. Their names are Tegan +& Sara. I heard about them from a friend of mine I call "A Millie." She's like obsessed with their music. My favorite song by them is called "Where does the good go," off their album Jealous. Go listen to it! I think you guys will really enjoy it. Well that's only if your open to new genres of music. L o l. Tell me what you guys think! Feedback people, feedback.

- Signed, Ronisha Hill

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My First Time

Hi everybody! My name is Ronisha for those who don't know me. You can call me Roro though. This is my first time ever using blogspot. I heard about it watching an episode of "Runs House." Funny, ain't it? Surprisingly, this place is kind of cool! It reminds me a lot of Myspace. But to make a long story short, stay tuned and follow the "Life Of An Intellectual Mind."

- Signed, Ronisha Hill