Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Big (Transform]ation

Remember when this hot hunk used to play on Disney Channel's "Even Stevens" as Louis? From a 22 Inch screen to a 40 foot screen, Shia Labeouf has came a long way in his career. Physically! Show of hands, who out there in the blogging world has seen the movie Transformers? Tell me Shia does not look super sexy! There must of been somethin' in his water yall because growing up as a child watching Even Steven's Louis was not cute! At all! But I mean man, he was only 13 years old when he was playing on that show. Now he's 21 +& single! Well that's if the rumors about him dating Megan Fox aren't true. Anyways though, I think I've got "jungle fever" because this white boy is c - u - t - e !

Ladies, am I right or am I wrong?!?!

- Signed, Ronisha Hill


  1. Wow! nice blogg and the title is dope!
    Check out my blogg and start to follow and comment and I'll return the favor!!

  2. He grew up. Thanks for the love and of course ill folow ur blog

  3. lol LOVEEE him
    how do i follow youuu??
    it says to sign in something??not 2 follow

  4. OMG! He's my hubby! and im not gonna lie, ever since even stevens too I thought he was hot! hahaha :D
